
The digital financial environment continues to develop almost every second, which is no surprise to those in the crypto sector. Among such technological advancements, a new project called StrongBlock has popularized the concept of the node as a service (NaaS) on the blockchain. NaaS is an alternative to running entire blockchain nodes on your own;
Summary: Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, has thrown some shade into Su Zhu’s alleged $50 million yacht purchase. According to Vitalik, there are better ways of burning $50 million, such as becoming a Gitcoin grants matching partner. Rumors of Su Zhu’s yacht purchase have elicited mixed reactions on Twitter. Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, has chimed in
Summary: Ethereum core developers have confirmed that only Goerli and Sepolia Testnets will be maintained after the Merge. The Kiln, Rinkeby, and Ropsten testnets will slowly be retired. Ethereum developers are urged to shift to Goerli and Sepolia. The Goerli testnet’s state is the closest to the Ethereum mainnet. Sepolia is relatively new with a
Instagram’s parent company Meta announced Wednesday that it will begin testing NFTs on Instagram Stories using its augmented reality platform SparkAR. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said of the announcement, “We’re expanding our test so more creators around the world can display their NFTs on Instagram.” The company also mentioned in a recent article,  ”Creators and collectors will be able
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has criticized the controversial Bitcoin (BTC) stock-to-flow (S2F) model, popularized by a pseudonymous Dutch institutional investor known as PlanB. The BTC stock-to-flow model gained a lot of attention during the bull run as it got several price predictions right, however, the model deviated on a number of occasions during the bull market as well. Buterin joined