Month: May 2022

Bitcoin (BTC) price action has been surprisingly bullish since May 27. Weekends, especially holiday weekends, are notoriously volatile and indecisive, with major whipsaws in price movements being the norm. Even in bull markets, bearish price action is often the norm, but BTC bucked that trend.  BTC/USD daily chart (Coinbase) Source: TradingView Bitcoin rallied nearly 11%
On Tuesday, Sky Mavis, creator of the popular fantasy monster-battle nonfungible token (NFT) game Axie Infinity, announced that it had accepted the first user-created projects in its Axie Infinity Builders Program. Out of 2,000 applications submitted, just 12 were selected for the Builders Program. Among the many perks, chosen teams will receive a minimum $10,000
Australian consumer advocacy group CHOICE has called on the federal government to provide better protection for crypto investors while submitting a proposed regulatory framework for cryptocurrency exchanges operating in the country. The regulatory framework was submitted in response to the federal Treasury’s consultation paper for “crypto asset secondary service providers” (CASSPs) defined as firms providing
Bear markets are typically marked by a capitulation event where discouraged investors finally abandon their positions and asset prices either consolidate as inflows to the sector taper off or a bottoming process begins.  According to a recent report from Glassnode, Bitcoin hodlers are now “the only ones left” and they appear to be “doubling down